Biblically Strong Perspective on Interracial Marriage

As views on culture, ethnicity, and race continue to change in contemporary society so does the issue of interracial marriage. Which within the biblical context, it is very clear: God does not discriminate any blood as everyone belongs to Him. This article will prove the biblical teachings on embracing people of all colors and races with specific attention on their marital aspect to hinters – inter-ethnic relations – especially intermarriage.

Galatians 3:28 – All are one in Jesus Christ

The third type of oppression supported by the Bible is Gender Inequity. Paul in Galatians 3:28 states as follows, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, both ordained and un-ordained, neither is their male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” This passage tells us that such aspects as race, ethnicity, and social status do not exist between people who are in Christ. People are the same and we are one in the faith.

Revelation 7: 9 – All Nations Were Represented

Revelation 7: 9 further explains the appearance of John which is filled with a multitude that includes all nations and Kindreds in this world, all the people and Tongues. This scripture provides a great outline of an ideal scenario whereby people irrespective of what culture, design or race they may have come from, where bask in the praise of the Lord.

Acts 10:34-35 – The Inequalities Favoritism Existed

As Peter states in Acts 10:34-35, God does not show partiality but welcomes everyone who fears Him and works righteousness no matter what nationality they have.

Ephesians 2:14 – Rethinking Jesus, Our Peace

In the book of Ephesians 2:14 Paul says Jesus is our peace, who has made the two groups one and the one that has been destroyed the dividing wall of hostility. This passage brings out a unique aspect of Jesus in terms of how he was able to bring people together even across lines of different races and ethnicities.

Colossians 3 : 11 All in Christ

Last, Colossians 3:11 says neither Greek nor Jew, nor Circumcision nor Un-circumcision – nor Barbarian – nor Scythian nor Bond nor Freeman – but all, and in all is Christ. This verse recalls reiterates the basic tenets that all men in Christ for one are more privileged than the Jews.


Nevertheless, the message of the Bible is a positive one based on love and acceptance of people of all races. Inter-ethnic relationships are the actualization of this principle of truth and equality in diversity in which people are united in love and faith despite their diverse backgrounds. As we face the challenges brought about by differences, we ought to hold onto this gospel truth – all are one in Christ Jesus.

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